News / puerh
Snow Mountain ancient Tree Puerh Green Tea When your are making the Snow Mountain ancient Tree Puerh Green Tea , it's recommended to use natural spring water at the temperature of 80c-90C. Keep in mind that the ancient tree puer green tea is very similar to green tea, you don't want to over cooked the tea . Otherwise, the tea will lost its aroma of the snow forest , and become bitter . 大雪山百年古樹茶其實跟綠茶沖泡相近,最好用80-90度低溫泉水,或者過壺水,能更好保存雪域幽香 。 If you have any questions please come to our facebook page at or send us an email at! Please also remember to visit our website at!
Pu'er Tea prices on a rise again this spring 2013
Newest Pu'er tea market price since Yesterday March 26, 2013 !BanZhang : $3200kg-$4500kg ( $500 US-$800 USD),BingDao Iceland :$4500kg-$5000kg,XiGui: $2600kg-$3200kg,GwaFengZai: $1600kg-$1800kg, JingMai: $600kg-$900kg.Those are the price in Chinese dollar, currency : $1CAD= $6 chinese dollarCan't believe BingDao's price has been up so much, and bidding BanZhang ! LOTs of tea collectors went to the tea mountains this spring, they are come back with full stomach of YunNan food, but not tea. Guess why ? Quote:"喝茶不是喝錢啊! 古普洱茶業簡訊:截止昨天各山頭大概價格:老班章3200一4500元,冰島4500一5000元,昔歸2600一3200元,刮風寨1600一1800元,景邁600一900元,曼松1200元一8000元,單位(每公斤),總結如下:錢多老班章,古茶肯定香、大款喝曼松,一身都輕鬆、錢少去冰島,去了也白跑、易武寨刮風,金卡必刷空、無奈上景邁、家家混著賣、最後下昔歸,空手把家歸。祝大家在新六大茶山吃好(土雞)、喝好(包穀酒),愉快的渡過茶山之旅!" If you have any questions please come to our facebook page at or send us an email at!...