Collecting and Pan Frying Tea Leaves by bare hand is extremely difficult.
Usually 4.5 Kg of Wet Tea Leaves produces Only 1 Kg of Dry Tea Leaves.
The most difficult part is plucking the tea leaves from Tall Ancient Tea Trees; tea collectors(tea farmers) have to walk hours to the remote forest area, and climb up to the tea trees in order to just pluck 4lb of tea leaves per day.
4lb of wet tea leaves = 1 days dangerous work.
WanGong Village is one of the highest latitude tea villages in the YiWu Mountain region. It locates at over 1800 meters above sea level, North of GuaFeng Tea Village, where the border of China and Laos.
WAN Gong Ancient Tree Tea is one of the top 6 famous Puer teas right now. While LaoBanZhang and BingDao are ranked number 1 and number 2 on the famous Puer tea list,WanGong is believed to be the new Puer tea rising star! Some tea lovers even said that WanGong could be the next BingDao.
WanGong, once the most advanced and prosper tea village in ancient time around Ching Dynasty 1789. The village was abandoned hundred years ago due to unknown reasons. Some believe that the old village was burned down because of chaos.

Now days, the only transportation to WanGong ancient tea tree forest is only by riding Motorcycle and walking through stream.
Tea collectors have to climb over the mountains in risky condition, walk through the primordial forests which covers with miasma, they also have to fight against insects in the forest, then walk through the stream in order to pluck the precious tea leaves.

Collecting WanGong ancient tree tea leaves is such a dangerous job, without mentioning how difficult to pluck tea leaves from tea trees which over 10 meters tall.

Our partner in YunNan dig into this secret area, found these long lost wild tea trees! According to the locals, most of the tea trees are between 600-800 years old, untouched by human beings and modern pollution for hundreds of years.

Our newest Love of Puer. If you are interested to collect WanGong Ancient Tree Tea, we have very limited storage now. According to the local tea farmers, there is less than 4kg of tea production per day, it is real tea lover's personal collection. Feel free to contact us !
MR.Hu's tea blog in chinese : 易武山弯弓古茶 老胡 草木中人 10月30日 21:39
从易武街往北行,经麻黑、大漆树村便到漫撒茶山。漫撒茶山紧接易武正山,两山的分界线在麻黑寨,漫撒山是易武的老茶区,六大茶山目前发现的最大的人工栽培型古茶树便在温撒的黄竹蓬、一扇磨一带。 清咸丰年以前,漫撒山村寨密集,人口过万,弯弓大寨和漫撒老街曾是易武茶山最兴旺的两个寨子,两寨隔一个山头相距五公里左右。 “弯弓过去有四百多户人家,是漫撒山最大的寨子”。 弯弓分为汉族寨、回族寨,回族寨盖有清真寺,汉族寨盖有关帝庙。弯弓的关帝庙是六大茶山最大的庙宇,占地面积六千平方米以上,全用柏木建成,雕梁画栋、飞檐点金,当时是六大茶山最精美的建筑。 弯弓关帝庙如今仅剩下残垣断壁,大庙遗址上还有一块大碑,是建庙时立的功德碑。 从碑文来看,建弯弓庙时,易武、曼秀、麻黑、漫撒、曼腊、倮得各村寨都来助势捐银,易武捐了五十两、漫撒捐了四十两,个人损银者达170人,大多捐了十两以上。 弯弓大寨为何衰落有两种说法:一说是瘴疠流行;二说是民族械斗,估计是挫伤太重,以至于在民国时期也未能复兴起来。弯弓古茶园破坏较为严重,烧毁太多,现已看不到成片的茶林。 清顺治年间已有江西和石屏的汉人进入漫撒贩茶,雍正末年大量的汉人涌进漫撒定居、拓荒、种茶。至乾隆后期,漫撒的人口和茶园都多于易武。乾隆五十四年(1789年),漫撒建起了石屏会馆,石屏会馆占地10来亩,盖得气势宏伟,有大殿、陪殿、厢房、厅堂,会馆内供着关公、孔明、还有送子娘娘。会馆内有口大钟,有人肩高,敲一下十里之外都听得见。 如今会馆已坍塌无存,仅留下一块建馆时立的功德碑,从碑文来看,建会馆时倚邦的曹土司捐银五十两,易武的伍土司捐银六十两,还有一百多位茶商、茶农也捐了银,碑文由蒙化厅的杨进士撰写,如此气派张扬的建会馆,足见当时漫撒的兴盛和影响。 上弯弓寨,道路险要,只能单人骑摩托车,翻过一道道山樑上去。 同治十二年(1873年)漫撒遭火灾,半条街化为粟炭青烟,火灾后漫撒人用了三年的时间才恢复原貌。谁知好景不长,光绪十五年(1889)年,漫撒又遭第二次火灾,全街被烧,损失更重,这场火让漫撒财力耗空,跌进低谷 光绪二十年(1894年)漫撒再遭第三次火灾,大火又将漫撒焚去大半,哀伤至极的漫撒人不再留恋这块故土,大部分迁离了家园,到光绪二十一年(1895年)漫撒仅剩50户人家,热闹喧沸了一百多年的漫撒变得萧寂冷清,当年时逢普洱府重修府志,新编纂的《普洱府志》里六大茶山的排名中没有了漫撒而有了易武。 条索,均匀,银毫显现。 汤色,透,且亮。 易武茶之野蜜香,口感,向来独特,弯弓茶香气纯净,沁人心脾。 细回味之,滑,厚,醇和。深幽内敛,古韵悠长。