
  • Amazing White Tea: It’s Really Good for the Eyes!

    White tea, made from young tea leaves and buds, is more than just a delicate drink—it's packed with health benefits, including being great for eye health! Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, white tea helps protect the eyes from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. PERSONAL HEALTH EXPERIENCE FROM DRINING WHITE TEAA few months ago, I developed eye inflammation, and the pharmacist prescribed antibiotic eye drops. Before using the drops, I decided to try white tea. After a couple of cups, my eyes felt so soothing, less watery, and eventually, they...

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  • Our Tea: Teas Crafted by Nationally Recognized Award Winning Tea Masters and Professors

    我们的茶叶大多数来自國家級資深得獎製茶師製作。  國家級得奖製茶師製作名茶系列: 專注製作百年古樹茶: 雲南古茶山產地製作直送 華南農業大學茶学院專家監製,得獎茶園: 英紅九號有機紅茶。 鳳凰單欉。 We're proud to source most of our exceptional teas from nationally-certified award winning tea masters and tea factory. This esteemed group crafts our renowned Yunnan Centennial Ancient Tree Old Tea, the aromatic Yinghong No. 9 Organic Black Tea, and the delicate Phoenix Dancong. Supervised by master professors from the Tea Research Department of South China Agricultural University, our Red No. 9 Organic Black Tea stands as a testament to their dedication and expertise. Join us in experiencing the tradition and excellence in every sip of our teas.   Professors and Tea Maters in Universities:...

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  • Mastering the Art: Celebrating Mr. HU's Journey as a Distinguished Tea Master

    Congratulations to Mr. HU for his well-deserved recognition as a distinguished tea master and tea producer. His dedication and skill in tea culture have made him a global ambassador, elevating the art of tea-making and fostering deeper appreciation for its cultural significance. Here's to Mr. HU's continued success in inspiring others and enriching the world of tea culture. 恭喜泰麟號的胡先生榮獲中國茶文化獎-左圭獎茶文化傳播者。他在茶文化方面的專注和技藝使他成為了全球茶道大使,專注於茶藝製作的同時,也促進了人們對茶文化更深層次的欣賞。祝願胡先生在傳播豐富茶文化到全世界取得持續的成功。 "左圭獎"中國茶.傳播者頒獎盛典在國家圖書館藝術中心舉行,“左圭獎”中國茶傳播者頒獎盛典旨在通過表彰與嘉獎為茶行業的發展做出卓越貢獻的工作者,影響和激勵更多人加入到中國茶傳承、傳播的隊伍之中,推動中國茶文化、茶產業、茶科技統籌發展方針,助力中國茶國際化推廣。    

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  • Best of the Phoenix DanCong

    Wudong Single Bush tea, it is one kind of Phoenix DanCong Oolong.  It stands out among Phoenix oolong as a premium graded tea. Phoenix oolong is a premier oolong from Guangdong, boasts a 900+ year history and is cherished among top Chinese oolongs. Recognized for robust leaves, a floral aroma, and a refreshing taste, it's adored by tea enthusiasts.Characterized by glossy reddish-brown leaves, it offers a lasting floral fragrance, a refreshing taste, and unique charm. Our link: Beyond flavor, Wudong Single Bush tea provides various health benefits, including dental care, antioxidant properties, skin improvement, and metabolic support.In summary, Wudong...

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  • Thank you for the kind tea reviews!

    We have really nice and kind tea friends who leave us supportive messages and reviews throughout the years. We are so HAPPY to hear from you. Your beautiful words are what keep us running the tea store. We should save your "letters" for our memory. Thanks to Claire's kind words about our product: Product: Thanks Dr. David H for the kind feedback on our Wild Old Tree PuEr: “You sent me a sample of a “super old wild tea tree 2013 pure”… its really amazing!!! ” link for the tea: click here Thanks Ms Koh for the kind review!...

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  • Casually talking in the tea mountains with an old friend

    Casually talking in the tea mountains with an old friend: 'Asking when you arrived, walking in the Hu's village tea forest!'" We were casually walking around with Mr. Hu, the tea master, and were delighted to see an old friend while we were collecting tea leaves and branch samples. The friend informed us that his daughter-in-law had returned home from town, and we should visit them. I was impressed that Mr. Hu knew almost everyone in the village and where their houses were! The tea tree on the right-hand side, beside Mr. Hu, is over 800 years old according to...

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  • Recapturing the Hamilton Tea Festival 2017

    Steeping the Mandarin PuEr at Hamilton Royal Botanical Garden. So glad to have this opportunity to spread the tea culture and share PuEr with tea friends in Hamilton! Thank you so much for the KIND feedbacks from new tea friends and the return customers. Good to see you coming back again after one year! We will miss you 🍵 #謝謝 ! .Madarin PuEr is a very good soothing tea for your throat, an ancient chinese herb benefits the lung system. The PuEr tea inside the Mandarin Peel is a very mild tea for digestion; it helps lowering the bad fatness in your body. Tradition tea to...

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  • Tea Events Flash Back

    Hamilton Tea Festival ! People from Hamilton are so nice and they are good learners for TeaOur guests LoVE the Tangerine PuEr !! Sold Out !!! Sold out !!! Check out this link, welcome to contact me for wholesale pricing : link

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  • Pu-Erh Weight Loss Tea on Dr. Oz

    We produce wild all natural PuErh Tea and  selling them worldwide .visit us today  : www. !

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  • "Quality matters" - Amazing Health Benefits of Tea by Tea Guardian

    "Quality matters. There are findings that relate quality with potent substance contents and we shall discuss them in separate articles. However, just quoting USDA’s report, the difference for, say EGCG (Epigallocatechin 3-gallate), one of the tea polyphenols and a most powerful salutary one, can be as much as over 200 mg in a green tea and 0.49 mg in a decaffeinated black tea, per 100 ml of the tea liquid, i.e roughly half a cup! To help you visualize that, it basically means drinking one cup of the former selection is equal to the EGCG potency of 408 cups of...

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