Apr 10, 2015 NON-PROFIT CHINA YUNNAN ANCIENT TEA MOUNTAINS, FUJIAN, TAIWAN Tea Trip with 2 options (Host by an official Tea School In China) Option 1 : 7 DAY YunNan Tea Trip Plans HOST BY OFFICIAL TEA SCHOOL (They need at lease 5 people for the trip) We will be arrive in China at the end of April, we want to join them for May TRIP if they have enough people to join for departure on May) Girls can have free home stay in GuangZhou, before going to YunNan Option 1: GOING WITH A GROUP OF 5 . Officially Host by Tea school in GuangZhou (However, they need at lease 5 person to depart) The tea trip is part of the lectures for the tea student. Where: XiShuangBanNan region, ( the famous 6 tea mountains region) What: -7 days trip, going to 6-7 most famous tea mountains. (going deep into the mountain, where takes 4-5 hours to arrive; regular travelers will not be able to access to these tea forests) - Enjoy the yummy ethnic food ( eg,Thai ethnic BBQ, mini Melon Pig) - The Thai Culture Water festival How: - Meet in GuangZhou, depart from GuangZhou Airport. (hotel will be pre-arrange) STAY 1-2 days in GuangZhou to see the BIGGEST TEA MARKET IN THE WORLD ! optional Map: 【课程目标】 Goal: 1) Learn about PuEr Tea systematically 2) Understand differences and the characteristics between Lao Ban Zhang, Lao Man E, PaSa 3) Make your own tea cake, learning the process of making Puer and the aging process 4) Learn about the local tea culture and ethnic culture 1、学员在课程结束后能对西双版纳普洱茶区的历史背景有一个系统的了解; 2、学员在课程结束后能够熟悉班章、老曼峨、帕沙等地区茶的品质特点; 3、学员能够学习到传统手工压制普洱茶的制作方法,了解普洱茶加工过程中的状态变化,学习到影响普洱茶品质的加工工艺。 4、学员能够体验到西双版纳地区最纯朴的民俗风情,通过当地生活习惯了解当地的茶文化的内含。 重点茶区——弯弓寨 Important Tea Mountain to be Visit: WanGong YiWu Region Tea of WanGong Introduction: http://www.tanlongtea.com/collections/our-teas-puer/products/800-years-old-tree-wangong-bended-arrow-unfermented-puer-green-tea 易武是云南普洱茶源头地区,是古六大茶山之一,在众多的村寨中,弯弓寨虽然显得低调内敛,但它却孕育着大量的古老茶树。在这里,我们将看到古老茶树是如何在茶农手中发生转变,穿越时空,学习到最传统的云南古老制茶技术。 重点茶区——帕沙新寨 Important Tea Mountain to be Visit: PaSa (One of the largest Ancient Tea tree forests, dates back to the Tang Dynasty 1000 Years ago) 西双版纳茶区古树茶数量最多的茶区,在帕沙现存的古茶树,最早种植年份可追溯到唐代,2900多亩古茶园分布于整个帕沙山寨旁的山上。天然湖泊的柔美又突显出茶叶古寨的沉稳与内敛,茶树树龄均在800年以上,茶树树高可达到4米左右,古茶园中没有杂树混生,茶树能充分吸收养分。如果有缘,我们还会看到一年一度的帕沙春茶斗茶大会,见证当年茶王的诞生。 重点茶区——班章村 Important Tea Mountain to be Visit: LaoBanZhang, the number 1 legendary tea mountain! Birth place for King of the Puer Tea . Drinking the real LaoBanZhang Tea inside the village. LaoBanZhang market price is about RMB 40000/ KG Tea : http://www.tanlongtea.com/collections/our-teas-puer/products/2010-lao-ban-zhang-200g “班章”在当地的意思是“桂花树下的窝棚”,如今已成为一个普洱茶界中以茶闻名,因茶富足的传奇之村。毫无疑问,班章茶现已是普洱茶界的贵族,虽然价高但嗜茶人们却依然趋之若鹜,以能喝到一泡最纯正的班章茶为荣。在这次的学习中我们不仅会看到老班章茶王、茶后,并且能够品尝到纯正的老班章古树春茶! 重点茶区——老曼峨 LaoMan E tea Area, BuLang Mountain: another significant tea village 老曼峨隶属于班章村委会行政村,地处布朗山的中心地带,是整个勐海县布朗山最古老、最大的布朗族村寨。这古茶园中,刻满沧桑岁月的古茶树,见证了布朗族先民“濮人”久远的种茶历史。老曼峨茶树主要要以栽培型古茶树为主,茶树龄在100年至500年左右。“苦尽甘来”是饮茶人对老曼峨的评价,虽苦若黄连,但喜欢老曼峨的人却对那霸气的茶气,久泡之后的爽滑痴迷不已。 体验民俗——回归自然童趣 FOOD TIME ! BBQ FAMOUS MINI MELON PIG , WILD HONEY, ORCHID 云南茶区基本上都还是属于一些未开发地带,风景怡人、民风淳朴,来到茶区除了能喝到最正宗的西双版纳茶,我们还可以体验村寨生活乐趣。采摘野生蜂蜜,看铁皮石斛生长,特别是版纳地区独有的生态猪——“冬瓜猪。 铁皮石斛 冬瓜猪 体验民俗——僾尼族篝火晚会 SINGING DANCING, FIRE FESTIVAL ! 少数民族热情好客,我们将邀请到僾尼族村民为我们表演独具民族特色的歌舞,参与到他们的篝火晚会中,尽情享受古老茶山少数民族村民淳朴热情的祝酒晚宴。 体验民俗——西双版纳泼水节 Water Festival 4月13日至15日是西双版纳泼水节,届时世界各地的人民都将汇聚于此,让我们也一同去感受当地傣族同胞感悟自然、爱水敬佛、温婉沉静的民族特性。 行程安排 Time Detail Day 1 Morning departure GuangZhou Airport to JingHong (Xishuanbanna YunNan)广州(白云机场)—景洪(西双版纳机场) Afternoon Hotel YiWu Mountain hotel Day 2 Morning WanGong village live at WanGong local motel Afternoon plucking tea leaves pluck tea leaves from super tall ancient trees, make your own tea, enjoy local food for lunch Night MengHai for dinner Day 3 Morning GeLang village Watching wild honey harvesting , taste the wild honey Afternoon PaSa Tea mountain Visit ancient tea trees forest tasting original PaSa tea DAY 4 Morning LaoBanZhang Adventure on Mountain Road for 4 hours, arrive in BanZhang , tea tasting, learning tea making afternoon LaoManE Visit Tea Garden, tea tasting, learning about the characteristic differences Night dinner dinner at farmer home Day 5 Morning NanNuO Mountain Visit one of the 6 famous tea mountains NanNuo Mountain - Learning how to make tea, plucking tea leaves - Visiting the thousands year old king of tea trees - Tea masters explain how to make puer tea afternoon BBQ MINI MELON PIG NIGHT AI NI ETHNIC GROUP FIRE FESTIVAL , DANCING, SINGING DAY 6 MORNING XI SHUANG BAN NA LEARN ABOUT THE HERBAL ORCHID MEDICINE AFTERNOON TEA FACTORY , TEA MAKING , PRESSING YOUR OWN CAKE DAY 7 MORNING RETURNING GUANGZHOU YUNNAN JINGHONG AIRPORT TO GUANGZHOU AIR PORT FEES charge by the tea school (not me) - 7 days trip - 5 people to depart YunNan trip cost: RMB 6000 Per person ( $1000-$1500 USD) Trip Cost included: 1) Lecture cost 2) food and hotel 3) transportation cost 4) insurance Not Included: 1) Air ticket , insurance 2) Extra cost for hotel price rising 4) tour guide compensation 5) Car Rental cost ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTION 2 : GOING WITH VICKY ( FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE), SMALL GROUP ADVANTURE - ARRIVE IN GUANGZHOU FOR 1 OR 2 DAYS, PREPARE FOR THE TRIP TORONTO TO HONGKONG, AND TAKE TRAIN TO GUANGZHOU , tickets cost: $1300 cad - free home stay for girls in GuangZhou - BUYING A TICKET FROM GUANGZHOU TO YUNNAN ($300-$400 cad) - YunNan Hotel per night $ 40-60 CAD X 7 TO 8 DAYS = $320 (can be share) -Car Rental AND A driver for tea mountain : $100 cad (FEES CAN BE SHARE ) - FOOD: $20 cad per day - visa to china : $250 TOTAL ESTIMATE COST FOR THE WHOLE TRIP: $2500-3500 Schedule: April 30 , 2015 Day1: depart from GuangZhou airport to YunNan(xishuangbanna airport) April 30 , 2015 (Ticket $400 CAD for plane ticket) 第一天:廣州去景洪,告莊 住一晚逛一逛: DAY 1: After Arrival in YunNan JingHong ( 15mins TO GAO ZHUANG ethnic village) - Stay in GaoZhuang Thai VILLAGE Hotel at JingHong CIty ( XiShuangBanNan) - MEET SOME LOCAL TEA FRIENDS Day 1: Gao Zhuang to Meng Song Mountain, 3 hours 去孟宋茶山 - GOING TO MENG SONG TEA MOUNTAIN ( go inside the mountain) - Stay Overnight and have fun in Thai village 第二天:去孟海,去南糯山 Day 2: To MengHai area tea mountains ( from GaoZhuang village to MengHai TOWN, 1 hour ) 1) MengHai tea mountains: NanNuo Mountain ( meeting with a friend from MengHai, she takes us to mountain) DAY 3: LaoBanZhang Tea mountain 第三天:老班章,布朗山 DAY 4 JING MAI MOUNTAIN 第四天: 景邁山 Stay at MengHai Town 住孟海 第五天:勐海去易武鄉,看古茶樹,茶馬古道 Day 5 : Meng Hai Town to YiWu Mountain Tea region ( 4 hours ), stay at YiWu town Motel - GOING TO SEE THE ANCIENT OLD TEA TREE at Yiwu , see ancient tea road ( meet a friend) - IF possible, we can go deep into the mountain such as ( WanGong mountain, border of Laos) 第六天:去彎弓 Day 6: YiWu TEA MOUNTAINS , PICK ONE MOUNTAIN TO VISIT. 第七天:去景洪機場 回家 DAY 7: BACK TO JINGHONG AIRPORT AREA, GOING TO GUANGZHOU OR FUJIAN GOING HOME TO GUANGZHOU ! YUN NAN TRIP COST: about $1000 CAD (including fly ticket to YunNan, hotel, food, car rental) fly ticket from Toronto to Hongkong: $1200 + $40 to GuangZhou visa to china : $250 total cost : $2800- $4000 計劃3:去福建武夷山兜個圈, 去浙江看看龍井那些 PLAN 3 :GUANG ZHOU TO FUJIAN GOING TO WU YI MOUNTAIN, MEET A FRIEND. SHE WILL TAKE US AROUND 計劃4: 接著去臺灣看高山茶 PLAN 4 : CONTINUE ... TO TAIWAN PREPARATION BEFORE GOING TO TEA TRIP: YOU NEED TO GET A VISA TO CHINA 2 WEEKS BEFORE DEPARTURE! 1) GINGER CANDY ! (TRUST ME, YOU NEED IT TO PREVENT DIZZY AND VOMIT. SINCE THE MOUNTAIN ROADS ARE NARROW, WE WILL BE DRIVING AROUND THE MOUNTAIN FOR 5 HOURS - 6 HOURS) 2) SLEEPING BAG (IN CASE HOTEL IS DIRTY) 3) SOAP (TO WASH YOUR CLOTHING) 4) SD CARD (BIGGER STORAGE) 5) DON‘T BRING A HUGE CAMERA,UNLESS YOU ARE A GUY 6) EAR PLUG, IN CASE SOMEONE SNORE 7) RUNNING SHOES 8) THICKER JACKET IN CASE ITS COLD