Jun 01, 2015 Video from Tea DB- Review on YunNan Wild Black Tea (Thank you very much for Having us !) Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWW-ckiK9Pg http://www.tanlongtea.com/collections/our-teas-black/products/all-natural-black-tea-small-package This tea is from a small tea family, this family live off tea production in poor and remote parts of Yunnan, and it takes 5 hours of driving on mountain roads to reach them. Even though it is a tough trip to see them and source the tea, we have been working together for many years, from building the processing house for them to distribute the tea to rest of the world. This Black Tea contains extraordinary floral aromatic scent. The Tea leaves are collected from tea trees which are over 50 years old, growing wildly in the mountains located 1000 meters above sea level. This Yunnan black tea's liquor is bright in amber colour, exhibits a floral scent and sweet chestnut taste. Cheaper varieties of black tea produce a darker liquor and can be very bitter.This black tea is made of the old big leaf tea trees, which contain richer content of polyphenol, contributes to the strong aromatic taste. It doesn't turn bitter even after a long steep. 天然生長在雲南小數民族培植的生態茶園。每年春天,茶農們採集最好的原料製作此茶,產量極少。 此茶非常耐泡,帶香濃烤粟子香。滇紅工夫茶產地海拔高,所以具有高山茶的特色。滋味濃厚,味重,但高海拔茶的清醇、持久耐泡非常明顯。滇紅工夫茶,主產雲南的臨滄、保山等地,是中國工夫紅茶的後起之秀,以外形肥碩緊實,金毫顯露和香高味濃的品質獨樹一幟,而稱著於世。滇紅工夫外形條索緊結,肥碩雄壯,乾茶色澤烏潤,金毫特顯,內質湯色艷亮,香氣鮮鬱高長,滋味濃厚鮮爽,富有刺激性。葉底紅勻嫩亮,國內獨具一格,系舉世歡迎的工夫紅茶。日本大阪市立大学实验指出,饮用红茶一小时后,测得经心脏的血管血流速度改善,证实红茶有较强的防治心梗效用。美国杂志报道,红茶抗衰老效果强于大蒜头、西兰花和胡萝卜等。健康保健方面:红茶可以帮助胃肠消化、促近食欲,可利尿、消除水肿,并强壮心肌功能。预防疾病方面:红茶的抗菌力强,用红茶漱口可防滤过性病毒引起的感冒,并预防蛀牙与食物中毒,降低血糖值与高血压。