Mar 06, 2017 World Heritage Nomination: Jing Mai Mountain Hundreds Year Old Wild Tea Tree 景邁山放野老茶樹 Product link: Jing Mai Old Tea Tree: Jingmai's tea plantations are under consideration for inclusion in UNESCO's World Heritage list, and there is a fledgling tea tourism industry. For the moment, however, Western travelers remain a rare sight in the ethnic villages and cloud-shrouded valleys of Jingmai. - National Geographic In recent years, semi-wild ancient tea trees older than 1000 years have been discovered in Jing Mai Mountain area, making it one of the earliest tea cultivation regions in the world. The Tea Tree Forest: JingMai Mountain's tea trees grow extensively in secondary growth tropical monsoon evergreen broad-leafed forests. Such forests have the arbor layer at the top, the shrub layer in the middle, and the vegetation layer at the bottom. Tall arbors such as Toona Ciliata and Ficus Microcarpa grow in the upper layer; the middle layer is dominated by ancient tea trees and decorated with plants such as Lauraceae, Ericaceae. The lower layer is covered by Gramineae and Herbs. Compared with common terraced tea plantations, this special multi-layered ecosystem plantation gives ancient Pu’er tea trees well-preserved soil fertility and effectively reduces disease and pest. In addition, JingMai Mountain's local people not only believe in Buddhism but also believe in the "tea ancestor." They host a grand ceremony to worship their ancestors who discovered tea. They call the most exuberant tea tree the "Tree of Tea Spirit." For over one thousand years, local people have built a friendly relationship with ancient tea trees and nature with respect. Jingmai Mountain is also part of the Ancient Tea Horse Route. Through the Ancient Tea Horse Route, tea culture was spreading all over the world. Region: HuiMin, LangCang Latitude: 1662 meters above sea level Ages of tea trees: 60-1000 years Characteristics of JingMai Mountain teas: Deep wild orchid aroma, long-lasting "HuiGan" (aftertaste sweetness) 景邁山 古茶長久以來,人們稱老班章為普洱茶之茶王, 景邁山因蘭香突顯,茶湯甘甜,回甘持久,被喻為茶后。 正因為香甜回甘突出的特性,受到愛茶之人的追捧!景邁山在普洱市瀾滄拉祜自治縣惠民鄉,東鄰西雙版納孟海縣,西鄰緬甸,景邁山的茶以特有的香氣著稱,俗稱景邁香。景邁山古茶園保存良好,有萬畝古茶園之稱。 屬喬木型大葉種茶,茶園面積12000余畝,平均海拔1500米。年平均氣溫18°C,年降雨量1800毫米,景邁、芒景古茶園的茶樹種植於傣歷57年(公元695年)。古茶園的茶樹在天然林下種植,是最為古老的種植方式。古茶園的茶葉很早就用馬幫送到普洱進行交易,作為普洱茶原料之一,自元代起銷往緬甸、泰國等東南亞國家。據有關專家調查,景邁、芒景古茶園的茶樹,大部分樹冠挺拔,枝葉茂密,許多古茶樹上寄生著具有神奇藥用價值的螃蟹腳,是世界罕見的大面積古茶林。海拔:最高海拔1662米,年平均氣溫18°C樹齡:60-1000年沖泡提示:特點:蘭香突顯,茶湯甘甜,回甘持久功 效: 自古以來普洱茶就通過茶馬古道進貢到皇宮,普洱茶的功效,早在《本草綱目》中有記載,中醫認為普洱茶同時具有清熱、消暑、解毒、消食、去肥膩、利水、通便、祛痰、祛風解表、止咳生津、益力氣、延年益壽等功效。又由於普洱茶經歷了生茶到熟茶的轉變過程,其生茶具有祛風解表、清頭目等功效,而熟茶又有下氣、利水、通便等功效。故普洱被譽為攻補兼備的良藥。