TanLong Premium Tea Collection: Primordial Purple Tea Buds, A Tea Review by Amanda Wilson / ancient tree puer
TanLong Premium Tea Collection: Primordial Purple Tea Buds, A Tea Review by Amanda Wilson
If you follow my Instagram, you might have noticed I have not been in the best condition, healthwise, yes, I did a dumb and pushed myself into a really awful flair up. Stupid Fibromyalgia, and stupid me for not listening to the signs my body was sending me! All is not lost though, I realized that I can take this time of physical recovery to exercise my brain and get back to work on my much neglected tea research. Currently researching the different tea producing regions of Africa! http://www.tanlongtea.com/collections/our-teas-special/products/primeval-tea-buds Today we take another look at TanLong Premium Tea Collection, specifically...